Functional programming in JavaScript emphasizes immutability, utilizing pure functions, and leveraging higher-order functions like map, filter, and reduce for concise and declarative code.
Browser APIs in JavaScript provide functionalities like storing data locally, making HTTP requests, managing browsing history, and accessing device location, enhancing web applications with interactive features and improved user experiences.
ES6+ introduces powerful features like destructuring, spread/rest operators, template literals, default parameters, and Sets/Maps, enhancing JavaScript's flexibility and expressiveness for modern development needs. These additions streamline coding, enabling concise syntax and improved data manipulation and organization.
CommonJS, synchronous and prevalent in Node.js, uses module.exports for exporting and require() for importing. ES6 Modules, asynchronous and native to modern browsers, employ export for exporting and import for importing, offering better performance and flexibility for web development.
Asynchronous JavaScript utilizes callbacks, promises, async/await, and the event loop to handle non-blocking operations, allowing for efficient execution of tasks without blocking the main thread.
DOM Manipulation involves selecting, modifying, creating, and removing elements within a web page's Document Object Model (DOM), as well as handling events, enabling dynamic and interactive web development.
Error Handling in JavaScript involves using try-catch blocks and Error objects to gracefully handle synchronous errors, as well as employing techniques like promise.catch() for managing asynchronous errors, ensuring robust and reliable code execution.
Core JavaScript Concepts encompass variables (var, let, const), data types (string, number, boolean, object, array), operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical), and control flow structures (if-else statements, switch statements, loops), forming the foundational elements for building JavaScript programs.